wild Boar
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Artiodactyla
Family : Suidae
Genus : Sus
Species : S. scrofa
Zoological name : Sus scrofa
Found In Sariska Tiger Reserve, Bandhavgarh National Park, Corbett National Park in India
Physical appearance : Boar is basically grayish black in colour The average height of the Boar reaches upto 9 feet and weight up to 900 Ibs. It has a pair of elongated canines that grow upward and outward. Boar has a long tail with the total length of 15- 40 cms. They have straight ears and can hear very well but on the other hand they do not have very good eyesight. They have a strong and well built body. Boars are good swimmers.
Species : Sus scrofa scrofa (western Africa, Europe), Sus scrofa ussuricus (northern Asia and Japan), Sus scrofa cristatus (Asia Minor, India), Sus scrofa vittatus (Indonesia)
Presence in India : Wild boar is found in all kinds of jungles in India. They can also be spotted in some of the National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuary such as Sariska Tiger Reserve,
Bandhavgarh National Park, Corbett National Park and Ranthambore National Park.
Habitat : Boars usually choose red beds, shrub or forest areas near ponds or streams to live.
Diet : Boar eat seeds, roots, tubers, fruits, nuts, carrion, eggs, mushroom, bugs, insects, acorns, hickory nuts, Pecans or even dead animals.
Reproduction : All though the Boar mates through out the year but winter season is considered as the best mating season for the Boars. The gestation period rests for 112 – 130 days. The boar can have 14 babies in a litter. Mother build a ground nest of grass and sticks for her young ones. Her babies live their for around one week. New ones are born with light brown fur that has white stripes from head to tail. Within 45 days young ones are able to food for themselves, but remains under the mothers eye. The new born are not fully developed up to the age of four to five years. Boar reach the sexual maturity at 18 months.
Conservation status : Boars are haunted for food and for the production of the brushes.
Lifespan : The lifespan of the boar exceeds up to the age of 21 years.
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