Black Rat

by - February 17, 2019

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Rodentia
Family : Muridae
Genus : Rattus
Species : R. rattus
Zoological name : Rattus Rattus
Found In Corbett, Ranthambore and Bandhavgarh National Park

Physical appearance : Black Rat is a medium size rat. Upper parts of the Black Rat are gray brownish while the under parts are whitish gray in colour. Its total length lies between 16 – 22 cm and weigh around 70 – 300 g. It has relatively large ears and long pointed head. It has a dark, long and hairless tail. Black Rat is a good climber.
Presence in India : Black rats are mostly found in the Southern parts of India (Mysore). It can also be spotted in the Corbett, Ranthambore and Bandhavgarh National Park in India.
Habitat : They are mostly found in the areas where human lives. They are also found in woods, swamps, trees, cavity walls, around farms and on the roof tops.
Diet : Black rats are omnivorous. They feeds on fruits, cereals and grains. Black rats have the capacity of consuming 15 g of food and 15 ml of water in a day.
Reproduction : Black Rat reproduce throughout the year Females have the capability to produce upto 5 litters in a year. The gestation period lasts for 21 days. Young ones are born bald and within three months they are capable of reproducing. The females have ten nipples.
Conservation status : Black Rat has no conservation status. They are present in large number. They are termed as rodents.
Lifespan : Longevity of the Black Rat exceeds up to 2- 3 years.

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