Beech Marten

by - February 16, 2019


Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Carnivora
Family : Mustelidae
Genus : Martes
Species : foina
Zoological name : Martes Foina
Found In Kaziranga National Park in India

Physical appearance : Beech Marten or stone Marten are dark brown to pale grayish brown in colour. Their length exceeds to 40 – 50 cm and weigh up to 2 kilograms. They have short legs and fur are absent on the soles of the feet. They have total number of 38 teeth. They have long bushy tail measuring 20- 30 centimeters in length. They have grayish brown fur with a divided white throat bib. Martes Foina have triangle head, long and slender body with short fore limbs. Males are usually larger than the females.
Presence in India : Beech Marten is found in the Northern Himalayas, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. It can also be spotted in the Kaziranga National Park .
Habitat : Beech Marten are mostly found in the rocky regions and areas of human settlement. They are also found in the open deciduous forests and on the mountain slopes at an altitude up to 4000 meters.
Diet : Beech Marten are omnivorous. They feed on fruits, eggs, small mammals, squirrels, frogs, carrion, dormice and earth worms. During the summer season they also feed on blackberries and rasbperries.
Reproduction : The mating season lasts from June to August. Males try to seduce the females with a soft cooing sound. Mating usually occurs during the night time and rests for approximately an hour. Females have the capability of giving birth to 3- 4 young ones. Gestation period lasts for only one month and pregnancy period is about 9 months. Youngs are born bald and blind. At 15 – 27 months young reach sexual maturity. Female care for their new borns and teach them the art of haunting. During the breeding season they an easily be seen during the day time.
Conservation status : It is listed in Schedule II part II of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, Appendix III of CITES and DD during the CAMP Workshop. Beech Marten population is not considered threatened.
Lifespan : The maximum life expantancy of the Beech Martens is about 10 years. In captivity, this species may live upwards of 18 years.

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