introduction of sun
The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with the internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process
1.distance from the earth - 149.8 million km
2.time of sunlight to reach the earth) - 8 minutes 16.6 second
3.diameter - 13,92000 km
4. surface. temperature - 5778k
6.radiation lighting temperature - 5760 ° c
7. Radius - 6,95,508 km
8. rotation on the pivot - 25.38 or 33 days
9.Valencia - hydrogen 71%, helium 26.5%, everything else is 2.5%
10. age of sun - 5 billion year
11.normally stars maximum age - 10 million year
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