Astronomical Terms

by - March 26, 2020


these are luminous celestial bodies that move around the solar system.

Solar eclipse

 it is caused when the moon passes between the sun and earth. The moon cuts off all or some of the sun rays from certain parts of the earth’s surface. In such parts, the earth is darkened wholly or partially corresponding to a total or partial eclipse. It occurs only at zero moons.


Lunar eclipse

it is caused when the earth passes between the sun and the moon. Earth acts as an obstacle and cuts off the rays of the sun before they reach; the moon and the letter may be either wholly or partially eclipsed. It occurs at the full moon.


March 21 and September 23, when days and nights are equal duration throughout the world, are called equinoxes.


it is a unit for measuring the distance between celestial bodies and is equal to the distance traveled by night in one year.


Meteors (shooting stars)

celestial bodies coming from interplanetary space. They become luminous on entering the earth’s atmosphere.


Milky Way

 also called the galaxy. It is a belt of stars encircling the heavens and consisting of dense clouds of stars it is very clearly visible on a dark night. Our solar system itself is a part of the Milky Way.



 these are heavenly bodies which revolve around the sun. There are 8 known planets including earth.



these are secondary bodies that revolve around the planets .the moon is an only natural satellite of the earth.

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