Stefania frog

by - February 08, 2020

For other uses, see Stefania (disambiguation).
Stefania is a genus of frogs in the family Hemiphractidae. They are native to the highlands of the Guiana Shield in southern Venezuela, Guyana, and adjacent far northern Brazil. Most are restricted to the tepui highlands, but S. evansi also occurs in lowlands. On most mountains there are only 1–2 species from this genus, but five are known from Mount Ayanganna and the neighbouring Mount Wokomung has six species. They are usually found near streams at low levels on branches/leaves or on the ground among vegetation/rocks.

They are famous for their breeding strategy where the development from eggs to froglets is completed on the back of the female (the eggs hatch to froglets; there is no free-swimming tadpole stage). The common name carrying frog is sometimes used for Stefania species and it refers to this behavior. A comparable behavior can also be seen in the other genera in the family Hemiphractidae.


There are 19 Stefania species:

Stefania ackawaio MacCulloch and Lathrop, 2002
Stefania ayangannae MacCulloch and Lathrop, 2002
Stefania breweri Barrio-Amorós and Fuentes-Ramos, 2003
Stefania coxi MacCulloch and Lathrop, 2002
Stefania evansi (Boulenger, 1904)
Stefania ginesi Rivero, 1968
Stefania goini Rivero, 1968
Stefania marahuaquensis (Rivero, 1961)
Stefania neblinae Carvalho, MacCulloch, Bonora, and Vogt, 2010
Stefania oculosa Señaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997
Stefania percristata Señaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997
Stefania riae Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1984
Stefania riveroi Señaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997
Stefania roraimae Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1984
Stefania satelles Señaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997
Stefania scalae Rivero, 1970
Stefania schuberti Señaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997
Stefania tamacuarina Myers and Donnelly, 1997
Stefania woodleyi Rivero, 1968

source - Wikipedia
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