Staffordshire Bull Terrier

by - February 07, 2020

Name Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Other names Staffy, Staff, SBT, Stafford, Staffy Bull
Origin United Kingdom
Breed Group Terrier (AKC:1974)(UKC)
Size Medium
Type Purebred
Life span 12-14 years
Temperament AffectionateBoldCourageousFearlessIntelligentReliable
Height Male: 14 - 16 inches (36 - 41cm)Female: 13 - 15 inches (33 - 38 cm)
Weight Males 25 - 38 pounds (11 - 17 kg)Female: 23 - 35 pounds (10 - 16 kg)
Colors BlackBlueBrindleFawnRedWhite
Litter Size 5-7 puppies

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a medium-sized, short-coated breed of dog of English lineage and may be considered to be within the pit bull type.

Breed Characteristics ( points out of 5 )
Adaptability 3
Apartment Friendly 3
Barking Tendencies 1
Cat Friendly 2
Child Friendly- This is a suitable breed for kids and is known to be playful, energetic, and affectionate around them
Dog Friendly 1
Exercise Needs 4
Health Issues- Hip dysplasia is occasionally seen. Prone to mast cell tumors. Puppies are prone to having an elongated soft palate. Like all the bully type breeds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers often have gas problems.
Hypoallergenic: No
Intelligence 4
Playfulness 3
Stranger Friendly 4
Trainability- Training won't require too much attention and effort, though it won't be easier than other breeds. Expect results to come gradually.
Watchdog Ability 3

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