
by - February 06, 2020

Name Singapura
Other names Drain Cat, Kucinta
Origin Singapore
Size Smallest
Coat ShortThinSilky
Lap Cat Yes
Life span 12-15 years
Temperament AffectionateCuriousEasy GoingIntelligentInteractiveLivelyLoyal
Weight Male: 6 - 8 poundsFemale: 5 - 6 pounds
Colors BrownBrown

The Singapura is one of the smallest breeds of cats, noted for its large eyes and ears, brown ticked coat and blunt tail. Reportedly established from three "drain cats" imported from Singapore in the 1970s, it was later revealed that the cats were originally sent to Singapore from the US before they were exported back to the US. Investigations by the Cat Fanciers' Association concluded no wrongdoing and the Singapura kept its status as a natural breed.

Breed Characteristics ( points out of 5 )
Adaptability 5
Affection Level 5
Child Friendly- It is usually good with adults and children (6+) and can be affectionate towards them.
Dog Friendly 5
Energy Level 5
Health Issues- It doesn't have as many known illnesses and conditions as other cats. Best for owners who do not want to worry about long-term medical costs.
Hypoallergenic: No
Intelligence 5
Social Needs 5
Stranger Friendly 5
Vocalization- It is known to be quiet. Therefore, owners shouldn't be concerned of excessive and undesirable crying or meowing, especially at night.

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