Newfoundland dog

by - February 07, 2020

Name Newfoundland
Other names Newf, Newfie, The Gentle Giant, Blackbear
Origin United Kingdom, Canada
Breed Group Working (AKC:1886)Guardian Dog (UKC)
Size Large to Giant
Type Purebred
Life span 9-12 years
Temperament CheerfulCourageousIntelligentLoyalSocialSweetGentle
Height Male: 27-29 inches (69-74 cm)Female: 25-27 inches (63-69 cm)
Weight Male: 130-150 pounds (59-68 kg)Female: 100-120 pounds (45-54 kg)
Colors BlackBrownGrayWhite & Black
Litter Size 4-12 puppies

The Newfoundland dog is a large working dog. They can be either black, brown, or white-and-black. However, in Canada, the country of their origin, the only correct colours are either black or Landseer. They were originally bred and used as a working dog for fishermen in the Dominion of Newfoundland.

Breed Characteristics ( Points out of 5 )
Adaptability 4
Apartment Friendly 3
Barking Tendencies 2
Cat Friendly 5 stars
Child Friendly- This is a suitable dog breed for kids. It is also very friendly toward other pets and very friendly toward strangers.
Dog Friendly 4
Exercise Needs 3
Health Issues 5
Hypoallergenic: No
Intelligence 4
Playfulness 3
Stranger Friendly 4
Trainability- Training won't require too much attention and effort, though it won't be easier than other breeds. Expect results to come gradually.
Watchdog Ability- This dog will bark and alert its owners when an intruder is present. If a situation escalates, the dog can be depended on to defend and protect its owner and family.

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