Lampides boeticus

by - February 05, 2020

The peablue, pea blue, or long-tailed blue (Lampides boeticus) is a small butterfly found in Europe, Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Australia that belongs to the lycaenids or gossamer-winged family.

The wingspan is 24–32 mm for males and 24–34 mm for females.


The larvae feed on flowers, seeds and pods of many Fabaceae species, including Medicago, Crotalaria, Polygala, Sutherlandia, Dolichos, Cytisus, Spartium and Lathyrus species. It has also been recorded on Crotolaria pallida

In Australia, the larvae are occasionally attended by ants in the genera Froggattella, Iridomyrmex or Camponotus.

source - Wikipedia

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