Chazara is a butterfly genus from the subfamily Satyrinae of the brush-footed butterfly family (Nymphalidae). The most well-known is the Hermit Butterfly (C. briseis). C. briseis can be found as far west as Morocco and as far eastward as Mongolia. They inhabit the Tian Shan mountain range of Central Asia, also known as the Celestial Mountains, which are fabled in Daoist literature as the place where the Goddess of the West attends to the peaches of immortality.
Selected species
Chazara bischoffii (Herrich-Schäffer, ) – Orange Hermit
Chazara briseis (Linnaeus, 1764) – Hermit Butterfly
Chazara egina Staudinger, – Anatolian Witch
Chazara eitschbergeri Lukhtanov, 1999
Chazara enervata (Alpheraky, 1881)
Chazara heydenreichi (Lederer, 1853)
Chazara kaufmanni (Erschoff, 1874)
Chazara persephone (Hübner, ) – Dark Rockbrown
Chazara prieuri (Pierret, 1837) – Southern Hermit
Chazara rangontavica Shchetkin, 1981
Chazara staudingeri (Bang-Haas, 1882)
source - Wikipedia
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