Carcharodus alceae

by - February 05, 2020

Carcharodus alceae, the mallow skipper, is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae. It is found in southern and central Europe, northern Africa, and in central Asia. The butterfly prefers warm and stony areas to settle on, in Armenia it inhabits a wide variety of grasslands and woodlands. It gets its nectar from herbaceous plants.

Mallow skippers lay their eggs on different species of mallow. The butterfly flies from April to October depending on the location.

The larvae feed on Malva sylvestris and Althaea officinalis.


Carcharodus alceae alceae (Europe, North Africa)
Carcharodus alceae swinhoei Watson, 1893 (Afghanistan, north-western India)
Carcharodus alceae wissmanni Warnecke, 1934 (Yemen)

source - Wikipedia

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