Calocybe is a small genus of about 40 species of mushroom, including St. George's mushroom, which is edible, and milky mushroom, which is edible and is cultivated in India. There are not many species of this genus in Britain. The name is derived from the Ancient Greek terms kalos "pretty", and cubos "head". Around nine species are found in neotropical regions.
Calocybe alneti
Calocybe atropapillata
Calocybe bipigmentata
Calocybe carnea - Pink Fairhead
Calocybe cerina
Calocybe chrysenteron
Calocybe civilis
Calocybe clusii
Calocybe coniceps
Calocybe constricta
Calocybe cyanea (Puerto Rico, Brazil)
Calocybe cyanella
Calocybe cyanocephala
Calocybe eborina
Calocybe fallax
Calocybe gambosa - St. George's Mushroom
Calocybe gangraenosa
Calocybe georgii
Calocybe indica - milky mushroom
Calocybe ionides
Calocybe onychina
Calocybe rubra
source - Wikipedia
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