Burmese cat

by - February 06, 2020

Name- Burmese
Other names - None
Origin- Burma Thailand
Size- Medium
Coat- ShortSilky GlossySatin
Lap Cat- Yes
Life span- 15-16 years
Temperament- Curious ,Intelligent ,Gentle ,Social ,Interactive ,Playful ,Lively
Weight- Male: 8 - 12 pounds Female: 6 - 10 pounds
Colors- BluePlatinumChampagneSable

The Burmese cat is a breed of domestic cat, originating in Thailand, believed to have its roots near the present Thai-Burma border and developed in the United States and Britain.
Most modern Burmese are descendants of one female cat called Wong Mau, which was brought from Burma to America in 1930 and bred with American Siamese. From there, American and British breeders developed distinctly different Burmese breed standards, which is unusual among pedigreed domestic cats. Most modern cat registries do not formally recognize the two as separate breeds, but those that do refer to the British type as the European Burmese.
Originally, all Burmese cats were dark brown (sable), but are now available in a wide variety of colours; formal recognition of these also varies by standard. Both versions of the breed are known for their uniquely social and playful temperament and persistent vocalisation.

Adaptability- very good
Affection Level- very good
Child Friendly- It is usually good with adults, children (6+), and seniors and can be very affectionate towards them.
Dog Friendly - very good
Energy Level - good
Health Issues - Unfortunately, it is known to have a myriad count of illnesses and conditions. Owners with these cat breeds should prepare for some long-term medical costs or hedge their risks with pet insurance.Hypoallergenic: No
Intelligence - very good
Social Needs - very good
Stranger Friendly - very good
Vocalization- It is known to be vocal. Owners might be concerned for excessive and undesirable crying or meowing, especially at night.

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