Boloria dia

by - February 05, 2020

The weaver's fritillary or violet fritillary (Boloria dia) is a butterfly of the Nymphalidae family. Its English name, after an insect dealer, Richard Weaver, comes from his capture of an insect early in the 19th century at Sutton Park, Tamworth. However this and the small number of other English specimens are thought to be of introductions, possibly accidental.


The adult is a small fritillary with typically chequered orange-brown upperside and a submarginal row of triangles and dots. The length of the forewings is 16–17 mm. The underside is distinctive in having a purplish band across the hindwing.

B. dia differs from the pearl-bordered fritillary in having a sharp angle to its hindwing (readily seen from underside when perched with wings closed). The similar Titania's fritillary has a less sharply-angled hindwing and only occurs at high altitude.

In Europe the larvae feed on Viola species (Viola odorata, Viola hirta, Viola canina, Viola reichenbachiana, Viola tricolor), and outside Europe on Prunella vulgaris and Rubus idaeus


B. dia is found in Europe, over the Caucasus up to Mongolia. It is widespread and common across southern France. In Europe it occurs from northern Spain, Italy and Greece to Poland, the Balkans and Turkey. It is not found in Britain.


Clossiana dia dia western Europe.
Clossiana dia alpina (Elwes, 1899) ;
Clossiana dia calida (Jachontov, 1911)
Clossiana dia disconota (Krulikovsky, 1909) central Europe and western Siberia.
Clossiana dia semota Tuzov, 2000 ;
Clossiana dia setania (Fruhstorfer, 1909)

Boloria dia. Mounted specimen, dorsal side

Boloria dia. Mounted specimen, ventral side

Boloria dia.jpg

source - Wikipedia

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