Bergenia crassifolia
Bergenia crassifolia, the badan, Siberian tea, Mongolian tea, leather bergenia, winter-blooming bergenia, heartleaf bergenia, elephant-ears, heart-leaved bergenia or elephant's ears, is a plant species in the genus Bergenia. It is about 12 inches tall. The leaves are spoon-shaped. One cultivar is Bergenia crassifolia 'Autumn Red.'
Bergenia crassifolia contains the polyphenols arbutin, kaempferol 3-lathyroside, catechin 3-O-gallate, tannins and the pectin bergenan.
Traditional Medicinal use:
Bergenia crassifolia is widely used in folk medicine of different nations, was popular in Siberia, Russia.
It has effect when gynecological problems with fibroids. Extract from the rhizomes of Bergenia crassifolia is a bactericidal, astringent, diuretic, styptic. Bergenia crassifolia contributes to high performance, increases resistance to stress of the body. It is also used when the gastro-intestinal problems.
source - Wikipedia
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