American Wirehair

by - February 06, 2020

Name - American Wirehair
Other names - None
Origin - United States
Size - Medium to Large
Coat - Medium Curly Dense Hard Resilient
Lap Cat-Yes
Life span-14-18 years
Temperament - Affectionate Curious Gentle Intelligent Interactive
 Lively Loyal Playful Sensible Social
Weight-Male: 12 - 15 pounds Female: 8 - 12 pounds
Colors - Black ,Blue ,Cream ,Fawn Silver Tabby and White

The American Wirehair is a breed of domestic cat originating in upstate New York. As of 2003, though the breed is well-known, it is ranked as the most rare of the 41 Cat Fanciers' Association breeds, with only 22 registered, down from 39 in 2002.

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