
by - February 06, 2020

Allothereua is a genus of scutigeromorph centipedes containing 9 species ranging from Central Asia (Kazakhstan and Nepal) to the Philippines to Australia, where at least six species are found. A 2009 study of scutigeromorph phylogeny found Allothereua to be polyphyletic; some species were more closely related to Parascutigera.


Allothereua bidenticulata Verhoeff, 1925 - Australia
Allothereua caeruleata Verhoeff, 1925 - Australia
Allothereua incola Verhoeff, 1925 - Australia
Allothereua kirgisorum Lignau, 1929 - Kazakhstan
Allothereua lesueurii (Lucas, 1840) - Australia
Allothereua maculata (Newport, 1844) - Australia
Allothereua manila Chamberlin, 1944 - Philippines
Allothereua serrulata Verhoeff, 1925 - Australia
Allothereua wilsonae Dobroruka, 1979 - Nepal

source - Wikipedia

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