Allium moly

by - February 07, 2020

Allium moly, also known as golden garlic and lily leek, is a Mediterranean plant in the Amaryllis family. This plant is a perennial bulb, which is edible and also used as a medicinal and ornamental plant.

Allium moly is primarily found in Spain and Southern France with additional populations in Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Algeria, and Morocco.

The related Odyssey story

Main article: Moly (herb)
In The Odyssey, Odysseus visited the witch-goddess Circe. She turned half of his men into swine after feeding them cheese and wine. Hermes met with Odysseus and gave him a drug called moly, a resistance to Circe’s magic. Circe, being attracted to Odysseus' resistance, fell in love with him. Circe released his men. Odysseus and his crew remained with her on the island for one year, while they feasted and drank. Finally, Odysseus' men convinced Odysseus that it was time to leave for Ithaca.

formerly included
Allium moly var. ambiguum, now called Allium roseum
Allium moly subsp. massaessylum, now called Allium massaessylum
Allium moly var. stamineum, now called Allium stamineum
Allium moly var. xericiense, now called Allium scorzonerifolium
^ Homer. 8th Century BCE. Ὀδύσσεια, Odýsseia
^ Plants For A Future: Allium moly

source - Wikipedia
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