by - February 10, 2020

Repeated Roman invasions finally destroyed much of the infrastructure of the Parthian kingdom after 83 years of non-stop war. The Romans invaded Parthian territory in search of desperately needed gold to fund Roman military campaigns and colonialism with force around the known ancient world. The Romans became much more numerically superior against the Parthians as their empire rapidly expanded. They could keep the war going for as long as needed by hireing unlimited number of mercenaries from their colonial subject territories to constantly attack the Parthian borders from all directions in order to finally exhaust them spiritually. This in turn caused major internal revolts within the Parthian empire and the power and influence of this handful of Parthian noble families was such that they frequently opposed the monarch, and would eventually be a “contributory factor in the downfall” of the dynasty. The Parthians finally submitted to another Persian dynasty which had close links with them and retained the power of their nobility. The end of this loosely organized empire came in 224 C.E., when the last king was defeated by one of their vassals, the Persians of the Sassanid dynasty.
This transition went well and the remaining Parthian army just saw this as a change of ruler and joined the Sassanid army after the takeover. They had previously been fighting alongside each other against the Roman invaders for centuries and they were both tired over the internal instability caused by wars from all fronts and focused their rage against the Romans instead of each other. The Sassanid military tactics differed from the Parthians and they were far more centralized and united. They also changed the tones of war against the Romans from Defensive to Offensive in order to end the threat once and for all and live in peace.

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