

by - February 14, 2019

Wanlessia is a spider genus of the Salticidae family (jumping spiders). It is the only member of the subfamily Spartaeinae with a well-developed palpal conductor. Both species are only described from male specimens.

Wanlessia is related to Portia.


The male of W. sedgwicki is about 4 mm long. Its carapace is yellowish-brown with irregular black markings, with a lighter area around the fovea. The whitish-yellow opisthosoma has similar markings at the rear and is covered with amber-grey hairs. The dark yellowish-brown legs bear black rings on some segments.


The genus is named in honor of arachnologist Fred R. Wanless, who described more than a dozen salticid genera in the 1970 and '80s.


Wanlessia denticulata Peng, Tso & Li, 2002 — Taiwan
Wanlessia sedgwicki Wijesinghe, 1992 — Borneo (Sarawak)

source - Wikipedia
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