
Virgaviridae (virus )

by - February 15, 2019

Virgaviridae is a family of positive single stranded RNA viruses. Plants serve as natural hosts. There are currently 56 species in this family, divided among 7 genera. The name of the family is derived from the Latin word virga (rod), as all viruses in this family are rod-shaped.


Viruses in Virgaviridae are characterized by unique alpha-like replication proteins.

Group: ssRNA(+)

Order: Unassigned


Viruses in Virgaviridae are non-enveloped, with rigid helical rod geometries, and helical symmetry. The diameter is around 20-25 nm, and virions have a central "canal." Genomes are linear, single-stranded, positive sense RNA with a 3'-tRNA like structure and no polyA tail. They may be in one, two, or three segments, depending on the genus. Coat proteins are about 19–24 kiloDaltons.

Genus Structure Symmetry Capsid Genomic Arrangement Genomic Segmentation
Tobamovirus Rod-shaped Helical Non-Enveloped Linear Non-Segmented
Furovirus Rod-shaped Helical Non-Enveloped Linear Segmented
Pecluvirus Rod-shaped Helical Non-Enveloped Linear Segmented
Hordeivirus Rod-shaped Helical Non-Enveloped Linear Segmented
Tobravirus Rod-shaped Helical Non-Enveloped Linear Segmented
Pomovirus Rod-shaped Helical Non-Enveloped Linear Segmented
Life Cycle

Viral replication is cytoplasmic. Entry into the host cell is achieved by penetration into the host cell. Replication follows the positive stranded RNA virus replication model. Positive stranded RNA virus transcription is the method of transcription. Translation takes place by leaky scanning, and suppression of termination. The virus exits the host cell by tripartite non-tubule guided viral movement, and monopartite non-tubule guided viral movement. Plants serve as the natural host.

Genus Host Details Tissue Tropism Entry Details Release Details Replication Site Assembly Site Transmission
Tobamovirus Plants None Unknown Viral movement Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Mechanical
Furovirus Plants None Unknown Viral movement Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Mechanical innoculation: fungus
Pecluvirus Plants None Unknown Viral movement Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Mechanical innoculation: fungus. Mechanical contact; seed
Hordeivirus Plants None Unknown Viral movement Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Mechanical: contact; seed
Tobravirus Plants None Unknown Viral movement Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Mechanical innoculation: nematodes
Pomovirus Plants None Unknown Viral movement Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Mechanical innoculation: fungus

source - Wikipedia
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