

by - February 13, 2019

Theridiidae is a large family of spiders, also known as the tangle-web spiders, cobweb spiders and comb-footed spiders. The diverse family includes over 2200 species in over 100 genera of three-dimensional space-web-builders found throughout the world. Theridiid spiders are entelegyne (have a genital plate in the female) araneomorph ecribellate (use sticky capture silk instead of woolly silk) spiders that often build tangle space webs and have a comb of serrated bristles (setae) on the tarsus of the fourth leg.

The family includes some model organisms for research, for example, the genus Latrodectus, the medically important widow spiders. In addition to studies characterizing their venom and its clinical manifestation, widow spiders are broadly used in research on spider silk, and on sexual biology including sexual cannibalism.

Anelosimus spiders are also model organisms, used for the study of sociality, its evolution, and its ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences. They are particularly important for such studies as the genus contains species varying from solitary to permanently social, and because sociality has evolved frequently within the genus allowing comparative studies across species. These spiders are also a promising model for the study of inbreeding as their mating system co-varies with sociality, and all permanently social species are highly inbred.

One species in Theridion, the Hawaiian T. grallator, is used as a model to understand the selective forces and the genetic basis of color polymorphism within species. Theridion grallator is known as the "happyface" spider, as certain morphs have a pattern uncannily resembling a smiley face or a grinning clown face on their yellow body.

The family also contains the well studied kleptoparasitic species of the subfamily Argyrodinae (including Argyrodes, Faiditus, and Neospintharus) which often have triangular bodies. These spiders live in the webs of larger spiders and pilfer small prey caught by their host's web, eat prey killed by the host spider, and may consume silk from the host web, as well as attack and eat the host itself.

The largest genus with over 600 species currently placed in it is Theridion, but it is not monophyletic. Another large genus is Parasteatoda, previously Achaearanea, which includes the North American common house spider.

Many theridiids trap ants and other ground dwelling insects by means of elastic sticky silk trap lines leading to the soil surface. Despite their name, cobweb or tangle-web spiders have a huge range of web architectures.


Theridiidae is probably the only family with a large diversity of spider web forms: there is a high within-taxon diversity (e.g. in Latrodectus), as well as convergence in different taxa. Theridiid gumfoot-webs consist of frame lines that anchor them to surroundings and of support threads, which possess viscid silk. Four main web types are currently recognized: among webs with gumfooted lines, there are webs with a central retreat (Achaearanea-type) and those with a peripheral retreat (Latrodectus-type). Among webs without gumfooted lines, there are those that contain viscid silk (Theridion-type) and those with a sheet-like structure, which do not contain visible viscid silk (Coleosoma-type). However, there are many undescribed web forms.

Building of gumfooted lines constitutes a unique stereotyped behaviour and is most probably homologous for Theridiidae and its sister family Nesticidae. Webs remain in place for extended periods and are expanded and repaired, but no regular pattern of web replacement has been observed.


As of November 2015, the World Spider Catalog accepts the following extant genera:

Chrysso pulcherrima

Coscinida japonica

Dipoena martinae

Enoplognatha abrupta

Epsinus nubilus

Latrodectus mactans, a black widow spider

Theridion impressum

Theridula angula moving from one tree to another carrying the egg sac
Achaearanea Strand, 1929
Achaearyopa Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Achaeridion Wunderlich, 2008
Allothymoites Ono, 2007
Ameridion Wunderlich, 1995
Anatea Berland, 1927
Anatolidion Wunderlich, 2008
Anelosimus Simon, 1891
Argyrodella Saaristo, 2006
Argyrodes Simon, 1864
Ariamnes Thorell, 1869
Asagena Sundevall, 1833
Asygyna Agnarsson, 2006
Audifia Keyserling, 1884
Bardala Saaristo, 2006
Borneoridion Deeleman & Wunderlich, 2011
Brunepisinus Yoshida & Koh, 2011
Cabello Levi, 1964
Cameronidion Wunderlich, 2011
Campanicola Yoshida, 2015
Canalidion Wunderlich, 2008
Carniella Thaler & Steinberger, 1988
Cephalobares O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1870
Cerocida Simon, 1894
Chikunia Yoshida, 2009
Chorizopella Lawrence, 1947
Chrosiothes Simon, 1894
Chrysso O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882
Coleosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882
Coscinida Simon, 1895
Craspedisia Simon, 1894
Crustulina Menge, 1868
Cryptachaea Archer, 1946
Cyllognatha L. Koch, 1872
Deelemanella Yoshida, 2003
Dipoena Thorell, 1869
Dipoenata Wunderlich, 1988
Dipoenura Simon, 1909
Echinotheridion Levi, 1963
Emertonella Bryant, 1945
Enoplognatha Pavesi, 1880
Episinus Walckenaer, in Latreille, 1809
Euryopis Menge, 1868
Eurypoena Wunderlich, 1992
Exalbidion Wunderlich, 1995
Faiditus Keyserling, 1884
Gmogala Keyserling, 1890
Grancanaridion Wunderlich, 2011
Guaraniella Baert, 1984
Hadrotarsus Thorell, 1881
Helvibis Keyserling, 1884
Helvidia Thorell, 1890
Hentziectypus Archer, 1946
Heterotheridion Wunderlich, 2008
Hetschkia Keyserling, 1886
Histagonia Simon, 1895
Icona Forster, 1955
Jamaitidion Wunderlich, 1995
Janula Strand, 1932
Kochiura Archer, 1950
Landoppo Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Lasaeola Simon, 1881
Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805
Macaridion Wunderlich, 1992
Magnopholcomma Wunderlich, 2008
Meotipa Simon, 1894
Molione Thorell, 1892
Moneta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1870
Montanidion Wunderlich, 2011
Nanume Saaristo, 2006
Neopisinus Marques, Buckup & Rodrigues, 2011
Neospintharus Exline, 1950
Neottiura Menge, 1868
Nesopholcomma Ono, 2010
Nesticodes Archer, 1950
Nipponidion Yoshida, 2001
Nojimaia Yoshida, 2009
Ohlertidion Wunderlich, 2008
Okumaella Yoshida, 2009
Paidiscura Archer, 1950
Parasteatoda Archer, 1946
Paratheridula Levi, 1957
Pholcomma Thorell, 1869
Phoroncidia Westwood, 1835
Phycosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879
Phylloneta Archer, 1950
Platnickina Koçak & Kemal, 2008
Proboscidula Miller, 1970
Propostira Simon, 1894
Pycnoepisinus Wunderlich, 2008
Rhomphaea L. Koch, 1872
Robertus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879
Ruborridion Wunderlich, 2011
Rugathodes Archer, 1950
Sardinidion Wunderlich, 1995
Selkirkiella Berland, 1924
Sesato Saaristo, 2006
Seycellesa Koçak & Kemal, 2008
Simitidion Wunderlich, 1992
Spheropistha Yaginuma, 1957
Spinembolia Saaristo, 2006
Spintharus Hentz, 1850
Steatoda Sundevall, 1833
Stemmops O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894
Stoda Saaristo, 2006
Styposis Simon, 1894
Takayus Yoshida, 2001
Tamanidion Wunderlich, 2011
Tekellina Levi, 1957
Theonoe Simon, 1881
Theridion Walckenaer, 1805
Theridula Emerton, 1882
Thwaitesia O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881
Thymoites Keyserling, 1884
Tidarren Chamberlin & Ivie, 1934
Tomoxena Simon, 1895
Wamba O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896
Wirada Keyserling, 1886
Yaginumena Yoshida, 2002
Yoroa Baert, 1984
Yunohamella Yoshida, 2007
Zercidium Benoit, 1977
About 35 extinct genera have also been placed in the family.

source - Wikipedia
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