

by - January 05, 2019

Unidentified lamponiid from Castle Hill, Sydney
The Lamponidae are a spider family with about 200 described species in 23 genera.


Species from this family are generally endemic to Australia, with the genus Centrocalia endemic to New Caledonia, and two Lampona species (L. cylindrata, L. murina) also occurring in New Zealand where it is commonly known as the "White Tail" spider. Lampona papua is endemic to New Guinea, where two otherwise Australian species (Centrothele mutica, Lamponova wau) also occur.


The categorization into subfamilies follows Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog.

Centrothelinae Platnick, 2000
Asadipus Simon, 1897 (Australia)
Bigenditia Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Centrocalia Platnick, 2000 (New Caledonia)
Centroina Platnick, 2002 (Australia)
Centrothele L. Koch, 1873 (Australia)
Centsymplia Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Graycassis Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Longepi Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Notsodipus Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Prionosternum Dunn, 1951 (Australia)
Queenvic Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Lamponinae Simon, 1893
Lampona Thorell, 1869 (Australia)
Lamponata Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Lamponega Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Lamponella Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Lamponicta Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Lamponina Strand, 1913 (Australia)
Lamponoides Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Lamponova Platnick, 2000 (Australia, New Zealand)
Lamponusa Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Platylampona Platnick, 2004 (Australia)
Pseudolamponinae Platnick, 2000
Paralampona Platnick, 2000 (Australia)
Pseudolampona Platnick, 2000 (Australia)

source - Wikipedia

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